How I travel the world with my highly sensitive child

How I travel the world with my highly sensitive child
  • Traveling with a highly sensitive child requires patience, understanding, and a willingness to adapt.
  • Preparing the child for travel with detailed plans and discussions helps manage expectations and reduce anxiety.
  • Incorporating downtime and honoring the child’s boundaries, even if it means deviating from the itinerary, is crucial.
  • Celebrating small victories and focusing on positive experiences helps build resilience and create lasting memories.

I was standing in line at an airport restaurant with my son when I realized that how I parented him needed to change. I’d always prided myself in giving my 7-year-old a choice in the things he could control, but this time, asking him to make a quick decision between a milkshake or a doughnut made him frustrated and angry. 

“I can’t make a decision that fast! That’s so mean and unfair,” he fired back at me. The damage was done; my offers to give him more time or to choose for him were fruitless. He was upset and needed time to himself – in a crowded airport, no less – to calm down.

I’d started reading “The Highly Sensitive Child” by Dr. Elaine Aron, and I suspected my son had the genetic trait she describes as highly sensitive in her book. It made me realize the way I process quick decisions in busy airports may be different from how my son can. Instead of pushing him to be more expeditious like me, I knew I needed to become more sympathetic to the differences in our personality traits.


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