Scared of Losing Solo Travel Once I Had a Partner; Found Easy Solution

Scared of Losing Solo Travel Once I Had a Partner; Found Easy Solution
  • I love solo traveling often, but I worried about how being in a relationship could impact my trips.
  • So, I made a rule: My boyfriend is invited on all of my travels. Still, he doesn’t always join me.
  • I still frequently travel alone but occasionally enjoy a couple’s trip, and we communicate often.

I love my life as a freelance journalist. I specialize in travel and take international trips almost every month, sometimes for weeks at a time.

For years, it was just me, my rucksack, laptop, and camera until I ended up in a new relationship in early 2024.

One of my biggest fears was that having a boyfriend would mean I’d lose my freedom to solo travel or feel restrained in my career. I don’t always enjoy traveling with others, and I never wanted to risk my ability to globetrot independently.

It’s an awkward topic to approach, but we had to tackle it head-on pretty quickly: After three months of dating, I was embarking on a massive trip across South, Central, and North America.

We’d be thrown into a long-distance relationship before we even really knew each other. I knew I had to develop a rule around travel and our relationship and do it fast.

All of my trips have an open invite — but, in reality, he only joins me occasionally

                          Eibhlis Gale-Coleman
                          and her boyfriend at Game of Thrones exhibit

I now understand that, with proper communication, nobody should have to sacrifice their passions in a relationship.

Eibhlis Gale-Coleman

My new rule is that I follow an open-invite policy, meaning if he wants to come on my trip, he is my automatic plus-one. Non-negotiable.

I might be a sworn solo traveler, but I’m never cagey about inviting my boyfriend on my travels. I never want him to feel excluded, and I understand my responsibility to create some sort of stability, even if I’m taking off every minute.

In reality, he can’t always join me: He’s a full-time joiner for a construction firm, whereas I’m self-employed and work remotely.

Our approaches to travel are also totally different. However, these factors naturally create a balance of solo and couple trips, which I’m really grateful for.

Over the summer, he flew out to join me for two weeks in Ecuador and Peru. We hiked Machu Picchu, visited Mayan ruins, and even stayed in a beautiful overwater lodge in the Amazon.

When he flew home, I continued traveling alone for nearly two months, exploring Central America and road-tripping around the US.

My rule is simple, but it speaks volumes about the importance of communication

We’ve not been together that long, but we’ve already had incredible experiences and learned that communication is the secret to balancing travel and relationships.

My open-invite rule isn’t just about ensuring my partner always feels welcome in my life — it also helps us to connect and communicate about travel, distance, and how we manage our time.

He is always up for an adventure, but he equally supports me when I take solo trips, sometimes even helping me map out my routes.

He also occasionally travels without me, planning hiking excursions and sporting holidays with his own friends. Embracing our time as individuals and preserving our independence has kept our partnership strong, too.

I used to think being in a relationship would mean losing my freedom, but the truth is, it’s made traveling easier. I’ve got a solid support system and have tons of fun, no matter where I am or who I’m with.


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