Popular metal band cancels tour due to frontman’s health issues

Popular metal band cancels tour due to frontman’s health issues

Fans of Coal Chamber will have to wait a little longer to see them in action after the band announced Wednesday that it is cancelling the majority of its tour dates for 2025.

This comes as frontman Dez Fafara continues to try to reclaim his health.

A statement on the band’s Instagram sent prayers to those affected by the fires in California before getting into its situation.

“At this time, I will be taking down the scheduled touring this year until quarter 4 to focus on my health,” the statement from Fafara read. “For everybody that has given me the positive comments or sent our family prayers or contacted us with well wishes I want to thank you so much. It means a great deal to not only myself by my family during this trying time.

“I’ve had a very blessed life and in all lives some rain must fall and certainly over the last few years it’s been stormy for my family and I with my health,” the statement continued. “I’m looking forward to getting healthy. My attitude is positive and when I’m ready I’m gonna get back on the road harder than ever with both Coal Chamber and DevilDriver.”

Fafara added that there were “a lot of things in the works with both of those bands, but I won’t go over them now because I want to focus on this announcement, and I wanted you guys to hear it straight from me.”

“Tho all those who supported me, been behind me, I’m so sorry that these tours have to come down but at this time I’m just not able to do my job at 100%.”

Coal Chamber cancelled dates back in August after Fafara had a scary medical issue.

“With a heavy heart, let me tell you a story about life taking a turn,” Fafara wrote then on the band’s Instagram. “I’m writing to you from my bed. I’ve been running 6 miles daily. I’ve been rehearsing two hours daily in my home studio and excited to hit the road. I’m excited to get on a bus with my brothers and sister and my crew. I’d never felt better as you all know. I fought back hard after long haul COVID tried to kill me.

“Saturday morning, I woke up and I was coming up my stairs,” he continued. “I saw stars in my eyes. I passed out and my wife revived me. My vitals were through the roof, and I was sheet white and vomiting, and the whole world was spinning.”

Fafara said they called 9-1-1, and that he was taken via ambulance to a hospital where he did nine hours of testing, including X-rays of his heart and lungs.

“My doctor has advised me to get a cat scan, and until further testing, I am on bedrest and must postpone the Tour,” he wrote.

He said then the tour had already been booked to begin in March of 2025.

It now appears that will not be the case.

Coal Chamber formed in 1992 and is credited with popularizing the nu metal sound.


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